Majlis Penyampaian Hadiah Primary School Mathematics Olympiad (PSMO)

Artikel dan Foto oleh Husna Hidayat

A total of 10 students were rewarded for their best performance during an award presentation ceremony organized by Science Technology and Environment Partnership Centre (STEP) in cooperation with Brunei shell Petroleum.

Ummi Hani Nabilah bte. Haji Noruddin from Sekolah Persediaan Arab BSB, came in the 7th place out of 1422 participants in the 6th Primary School Mathematics Olympiad (PSMO).  The top 10 winners were presented by Pengiran Hajah Sarah binti Pengiran Haji Kamaluddin, Acting Director of Education.

Ummi Hani Nabilah, 11, received a consolation prize along with $50 and a certificate. She revealed that her involvement in Maths Olympiad helped her to build up skills and competency in solving Mathematical problems. The students were tested in two rounds in which they had to answer 30 multiple choice questions in the first round and completed a theoretical paper in the second round.

The competition aimed to stimulate students’ interests and enthusiasm for problem solving and to develop their mathematical intuition and logical thinking. 

The school would like to congratulate Ummi Hani Nabilah bte. Haji Noruddin  (Year 6 Zahabi) for her achievement.